ich wollte euch mal nicht vorenthalten wie der ganze thread in eglisch per Google aussieht....sorry wegen dem offtopic aber ich finde es lustig...
von oben zu lesen und mit dem thread zu vergleichen....
Manu: times ne completely bloede asks who from you its zx6r umlakieren let and which he has for it bezahlt?lohnt himself at all? or rather still nen year save and ne others get? is ne 98'er!
Ninja-Raphi: tja ask is is worth it you that, how long you want to still drive? how much YOU have money over! Such questions should to you place!
thus I have ne 9ër 6er and become it stop nearly umlackieren the whole amounts then to approx. 180.00 EUR perhaps also less!
But if you all this make lets that must on min. 600.00 EUR count if to ' s is enough!
Greeting Raphi
THERE Simma thereby!
The left hand at the greeting, and all time good Grip! Biker Rulez
Markus : I have for the 9er with to prime, sharpen, lacquers for lining, tank, tail
350, - EUR pays. Is however meanwhile already two years ago.
A Lacker made private for me. Before also, is n buddy of the neighbour could not do that been.
Ask times in your circle of acquaintances. Irgendwer always knows possibly whom...
Nico 0711: gives with ebay also auctions in addition
Markus: Gibts nich in the net also sone amusing craftsman auction?
There one can write in, what one wants to have erloeedigt and the people are under-offered then.
Nevertheless letztens in the TV, there so'n type at the balcony balustrade came abgerackert themselves and bad ones made.
Veno : Jo Blauarbeiter.de
elitelimited : gibts with e bay... must look times evenly..................
no I find no more....jedoch...........
that was lacquer set completely for 280 € and will then by post office should completely well strike....
sorry,ich finds amüsant :-)